Car shoppers who are online are also on the move

The more a Canadian car shopper researches online, the more likely he or she is to be the move.
According to a CarGurus survey of 1,000 randomly selected Canadian adults — conducted online in February by Google Surveys — most car shoppers (70 percent, in fact) say they wouldn’t travel more than 100 kilometers to buy a car.
However, of the car shoppers who spend more than 10 hours researching online, nearly a third (30 percent) said they would be willing to travel more than 200 kilometers.
And 57 percent of those folks going online for 10-plus hours will end up visiting at least four dealerships, CarGurus said.
Among respondents using at least four websites to research the car, 70 percent said they would travel furthest to buy a car, putting it above such big ticket items as electronics, home appliances and furniture.
Looking again at shoppers using four-plus websites, 54 percent will visit at least four dealerships, according to CarGurus.
Conversely, among shoppers who don’t use the Web to research their purchase, 44 percent were more apt to stop by just one dealership.
“Dedicating research time and using online resources can take the guess-work out car shopping and position a shopper to find their perfect deal, even if it means travelling further to get it,” Sarah Welch, senior vice president of consumer marketing at CarGurus, said in a news release.
“It’s interesting yet unsurprising that shoppers that invest significant time in research are also willing to travel further to get the car they want.”