LotLinx says 30 VDP views in 30 days is optimal

Cars that receive 30 vehicle detail page views in 30 days sell more quickly than those that don’t.
That’s according to an analysis of VDP view distribution by LotLinx, which in looking at 483,715 VINs from 299 U.S. dealers found that 81 percent of cars on dealer lots sold after receiving 30 VDP views in 30 days or less — as compared to 65 percent of cars that received fewer than 30 VDPs in the same period.
“This means many cars on individual dealer lots do not receive enough VDP views to sell on time,” said David Salinas, vice president of business analytics for LotLinx. “Dealers have the opportunity to optimize sales by assessing which cars need more VDP views, and then distributing views across their inventory to meet their established turn rate goals.”
LotLinx said the results highlight the important of distributing VDP views across dealers’ inventories in order to drive sales across the board.
Additional findings from the LotLinx report:
—72 percent of all VDP views went to just 25 percent of cars, leaving the large majority of VINs under-supported. This demonstrates an inefficient use of VDP views and a significant waste of advertising dollars.
—The remaining 75 percent of cars on lot received, on average, fewer than the 30 VDP views needed to boost sales. The bottom 25 percent averaged only one VDP view per VIN, too few for a sale to be realized.
“Dealers clearly know the value of VDP views in driving sales, but they have not had visibility into the distribution of VDP views until now,” said Len Short, founder of LotLinx. “Too many cars get no support while others may be getting more than they need to sell. Basically, not all VDP views are equal.
“I encourage all dealers to take a closer look at their VDP view distribution. That examination will likely reveal the value of VIN-specific marketing campaigns, and the opportunity to reduce wasted ad spend.”
This data comes from the first in a quarterly series of data reports by LotLinx examining the effects of VDP view distribution.
Founded in 2012, LotLinx is a digital marketing company that uses proprietary technology to connect online auto shoppers who are nearing a purchase decision directly with dealer VDPs.