If it seems like a new study on the prevalence of mobile shopping comes out every day, you’re just about right. And there’s a reason for that.

According to Search Optics, utilizing data provided from the US Mcommerce 2015: eMarketer’s Forecast and Trends report, the U.S. retail mobile market is expected to generate $76.79 billion in sales this year. Following this data, the report reveals that 71 percent of those polled, consisting of online and mobile shoppers, said they are influenced by digital marketing campaigns.

This presents an ever-growing opportunity for car dealers, where Search Optics data shows that 47 percent of customers used their mobile devices to “showroom shop.”

Here are a few other dealer-focused statistics provided by Search Optics:

  • 29 percent of mobile shoppers use their mobile devices to look up inventory information
  • 51 percent use their mobile devices to research prices, payments and offers

To check out an infographic prepared by Search Optics to help understand the importance of mobile selling efforts, click here.