CUPERTINO, Calif. — In tough economic times, customers can get behind or become unable to make payments. Walking the line between getting the customer current and keeping him willing to pay and hurting the relationship can be tricky. 

With Chordiant Software's applications in place, BMW Financial Services hopes it can better work with customers who are behind on their payments and bring them current in a way that can maintain the relationship.

Basically, Chordiant's Cx Decision Management application uses a suite of predictive measurements that can help companies become more responsive to customer needs with a goal of improving the bottom line while also increasing consumer satisfaction.

"Reducing credit losses while preserving a strong customer base is more important than ever, and how a company effectively manages its treatment resources and customer touch points on the collections side during a recession can dramatically affect how customers respond to the company during the recovery," said Rob Walker, vice president of strategy and innovation for Chordiant.

The company's "Next-Best-Action"-driven conversations are designed to target specific messages to consumers based on insight into the customer's service, purchasing, retention and risk-related behavior, according to the company.

"Through industry-leading decisioning technology, Chordiant allows companies to automatically weigh overall customer risk and payment history before recommending a uniquely personalized collections approach to ensure the optimal treatment of the customers," Walker concluded.

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