The lone Republican member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights wants answers as to whether there is discrimination going on within the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Earlier this week, commissioner Peter Kirsanow sent a written request to the CFPB’s general counsel, seeking documents associated with nine different areas of personnel operations. According to the letter obtained by SubPrime Auto Finance News, those requests directed to the CFPB’s Meredith Fuchs included:

— All internal investigation reports completed by CFPB reviewing claims of discrimination or retaliation at CFPB.

— All investigation reports commissioned by CFPB and completed by third party investigators reviewing claims of discrimination or retaliation at CFPB.

— For every manager in every division of CFPB (i.e. all CFPB employees who are not eligible employees for the CFPB bargaining unit) provide an itemized list of all formal or informal EEO complaints made against them; the nature of each complaint and all non-confidential settlements associated with the complaints. For managers in Office of Consumer Response and Office of Fair Lending, provide all documentation related to formal and informal EEO complaints, including declarations made by staff alleging complaints.

— Itemized list of formal and informal EEO settlements paid by CFPB including the nature of the complaint, and complainant and respondent’s divisions, indicating if any respondent has generated multiple settlements.

— Number of employees in the Office of Fair Lending; disaggregated by race. Number of “1” ratings in Performance Management Reviews for CFPB employees working in Office of Fair Lending, indicating the race of employees receiving the “1” ratings and whether Patrice Ficklin, director of the Office of Fair Lending, approved the “1” rating.

— Steps taken by Office of Fair Lending to address multiple EEO complaints against managers in Office of Fair Lending.

— Itemized list of instances in which CFPB has declined mediation of an EEO complaint, including the name of the CFPB manager involved and the manager’s division within the bureau.

— All comments provided to CFPB for its 2013 CFPB Annual Employee Survey, Supervision, Enforcement and Fair Lending – Division Survey Report.

— Plans of Office of Fair Lending to address comments regarding problems with diversity, favoritism and hiring reported to CFPB in its 2013 CFPB Annual Employee Survey, Consumer Response – Division Survey Report.

In his letter, Kirsanow explained that his requests stemmed from the U.S. House hearing the testimony by Misty Raucci, a private investigator hired by the CFPB to investigate alleged discrimination claims made by Angela Martin, who works as an attorney at the bureau and said that she was discriminated against and when she filed a complaint, faced retaliation for doing so.

“The Commission on Civil Rights is charged with investigating alleged deprivations of civil rights. Given the troubling allegations made against the bureau, it is my duty to investigate the truth of the claims made by Ms. Martin and Ms. Raucci,” said Kirsanow, who also has been a member of the National Labor Relations Board since his appointment in 2006.

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 created the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which is an independent, bipartisan, fact-finding federal agency on a mission is to inform the development of national civil rights policy and enhance enforcement of federal civil rights laws.