More dealers advertise using online video but are unsure of the most effective strategy. One of the most important things to know is that online video is not television. Do not take your television commercial and slap it on YouTube. There is a reason people use DVRs, go to the restroom during commercials, or take two minutes to grab chips and a drink while ads run.

Video messages that work well in one area of the country may not be as successful in a different area. Take advantage of your local knowledge.

You do not have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on production. Some of the more popular organic videos on YouTube were shot with a cell phone. That is not necessarily what you need, but it demonstrates that one size doesn’t fit all.

Some advertisers have cut back on television ads because of other available video delivery systems, not because video stopped working. Less expensive and better targeted distribution has allowed David to compete with Goliath.

Video can be engaging. A person’s personality comes through in a video more than other delivery mechanisms. Video is closer to real life because you see and hear the person delivering the message — which makes it easier to trust the messenger (or advertiser). A video can make a difficult topic easier to understand.

6 online video styles and tips

1. Talking Head Video

Turn on the camera and talk. Not much fancy equipment is needed. Cell phones have good video cameras. Get the lighting right and have a good microphone.

If the person on camera is someone who is part of the dealership, it can create a personal connection. On television Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas did this. Mike Lindell of MyPillow is the recent version.

An actor/actress can be used, but be careful they don’t sound too commercial. They may need coaching to sound like someone at the business and NOT an actor/actress.

2. In-House Talent Video

The pros and cons of this style video are the same as the talking head video with a few differences.

It takes more time and effort than a talking head video. You may walk around, which requires someone to film. The lighting and audio will be more challenging than in a more controlled environment such as the manager’s office.

This video may be more interesting than a talking head video because as you walk around, the environment changes. There is more movement. 

3. In-House Fun Videos

You will have to come up with ideas.

You need someone with personality to make it fun. Check out the Will it Blend series on YouTube. Blendtec has earned nearly 300 million views. That has led to blender sales for a company that may not have been able to afford television commercials.

4. Talent Produced Fun Videos

Purple, the company that makes the unique Purple mattress, just recently started airing television commercials. Their videos have been online for a long time. They are fun, engaging, and hilarious.

These types of videos can be very expensive. I have first-hand knowledge that Purple’s videos were extremely pricey to create.

5. Animated Videos

Technology is extremely helpful here. The only human portion needed is for the voice. That can be hired out. Technology does the rest.

You still have to find a decent voice.

Price is fair. The cost is less than having a television commercial created, but more than a talking head video.

6. Human and Animated Video Combination

Last year, I interviewed Dennis Prager, founder of Prager University. I asked Dennis about the evolution of their video style. Currently, their videos have over 5.3 billion views. Dennis revealed that their videos were not always animated. They used to have a human presenter with an occasional slide or picture popping up on the screen at appropriate moments. A photographer who owned the rights to a picture of a kangaroo threatened to sue PragerU for using a photo without permission (Dennis said it was an honest mistake). This led to the switch to animated videos. In my interview, Dennis said when they switched their videos to animation they increased their viewership by 100 times.

In this scenario, animation is definitely a better option, in part because difficult topics are explained. Animation makes them even more interesting and easier to understand.

Consider using the styles of videos that make the most sense for you. Talk to someone who can listen to your ideas and help you choose. Do not get too hung up on what type of video you need to do. Just do something.

Kenny Atcheson is the founder and president of Dealer Profit Pros and author of Marketing Battleground: How to Deploy Under-the-Radar Strategies to Explode Your Profits. Kenny teaches workshops and speaks at conventions and 20 Groups. His company offers several marketing and advertising programs (including help with video content), customer service and sales training. His website can be found at