If you already suspect many of the contract holders in your auto finance portfolio prefer to be contacted via text messaging, this research might reinforce your thinking.

A recent study conducted by TextUs and Benenson Strategy Group surveyed smartphone users nationwide on their usage of text messaging in an effort to provide an insightful look into how consumers interact with text messages in both their personal and business lives.

The study revealed that 77% of users find text messaging helpful for staying in touch. Additionally, 42% said text messaging is a good way to save time compared to phone or email.

Only 2% of users said that they usually ignore text messages as much as possible, according to a news release highlighting the study’s availability.

The findings also showed that 42% of those surveyed believe that texting is a non-intrusive way to interact with companies or organizations, while 41% of those aged 30-49 think it’s a great way for companies or organizations to keep them informed about new offerings or opportunities.

Moreover, 63% of respondents said text messaging was their go-to method for daily communication with people they know, and 50.4% said it was their most effective channel of communication for their business.

“We are encouraged by the findings of our research,” TextUs vice president of marketing Maggie Mistovich said in the news release. “We have always known that people are increasingly relying on texting as an effective form of personal communication but are excited by the growing number of consumers that prefer to interact with businesses via SMS.

“This further supports the need for businesses to make sure they are leveraging this channel to engage with prospects, candidates, customers and more,” Mistovich added.

TextUs will be presenting more study findings during a live webinar led by CEO Martin Payne at 1 p.m. (ET) on Sept. 14. Register for the session via this website.