As the old saying goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.

That was the case last week in the Canadian wholesale used vehicle market, as the largest vehicles took the biggest tumble in value.

Prices for the overall market were down 0.31% for the week ending June 1 — an acceleration from the 0.23% recorded the previous week — with full-size trucks dropping $423 in average value (1.20%) to lead the fall. While compact vans lost a greater percentage of value at 1.37%, that segments dollar loss was just $292.

The truck category overall plunged 0.42% while cars were down 0.19%, a flip of the script from the previous week, when cars’ percentage loss more than doubled that of trucks.

The largest car segment also took the largest loss dollar-wise, with premium luxury cars declining $241, a 0.36% loss. Sub-compact car had the largest percentage decrease among car segments at 0.76%.

Sporty cars were the only segment to post a gain, up $5 (0.02%).

The average conversion rate took a step up to the 40-55% range, a significant improvement from the previous week’s 30-50%, with a low of 22% and a high of 74% — both far above the previous week’s 9% and 66%.

Conversion rates were more than last week, but some observed sell rates were still as low as 22% while the high end was up to 74%; the average being between 40-55%.

The 14-day moving average retail listing price for used vehicles held steady at $33,900, based on approximately 220,000 used vehicles listed for sale on Canadian dealer lots.

The rate of depreciation accelerated in the U.S. market with values dropping 0.49% in a week — the largest single-week decline since mid-January. The only segments continuing to report stabilization were the sporty and premium sporty cars, with car segments overall down 0.34% and truck/SUV segments down 0.55%.