TradeRev Announces Exclusive Partnership with CCAQ
TradeRev announced this week it's partnership with the Quebec dealers association CCAQ (La Corporation des Concessionaires d'automobiles du Québec).
TradeRev is now the dealer association’s exclusive partner for automotive online wholesale products and services.
TradeRev explained that this latest move further “extends and solidifies” its presence across the province of Quebec, and said it will be working with CCAQ and reaching out to its over-820 membership of dealers in an effort to introduce them to its online automotive auction system for trade-in vehicles.
TradeRev offers dealers the ability to launch and participate in real-time Trade Appraisal Auctions from their mobile devices and desktops.
Once a car is launched, sellers receive real-time, live-money bids from their own "Trusted Buyer Network,” TradeRev management explained.
This is one in a series of new partnerships TradeRev announced recently.
Having recently partnered with ADESA, TradeRev is now working on growing its footprint in the dealer-to-dealer online space in both the U.S. and Canadian markets.
This past August, ADESA parent company KAR Auction Services announced that its that its business unit acquired a 50-percent stake in Toronto-based Nth Gen Software and its online vehicle remarketing system — and that system, of course, isTradeRev.
ADESA also announced last year that it has entered into a joint marketing agreement with TradeRev to assist in expanding its footprint in the dealer-to-dealer online space in the U.S. and Canadian markets.