Alfa recently rolled out the fifth and final installment in its Innovation in Implementation series.

That last piece from the asset finance software solutions provider is titled, “Establishing Winning Frameworks and Teams.” It explores the “indispensable” role of people in mitigating the risks associated with large and complex technology transformations.

Alfa’s Innovation in Implementation series has tried to convey cutting-edge strategies that can reduce the inherent risks of such transformations, from fundamental mindset shifts to harnessing the latest SaaS innovations.

However, as Alfa highlights in this piece, one of the most pivotal elements of a successful technology transformation is the human one.

Going beyond the recruitment and retention of individual talent, “Establishing Winning Frameworks and Teams” delves into the broader spectrum of factors that encompass the human aspect of technology change.

The paper also explores strategies for building cohesive and motivated teams, establishing transparent and effective communication channels, and overcoming the challenges that can arise during the implementation process.

Michael Mousdale, a project manager at Alfa and author of the paper, said in a news release: “Drawing on our wealth of experience as we have throughout the series, Frameworks and Teams provides valuable insights into the intricate interplay between people and technology. It showcases how to amalgamate strong, motivated teams with cutting-edge innovations to achieve successful change while minimizing risks, while also exploring the role of leadership and governance, and the qualities that partners should bring to the table.”

Previous installments have discussed Software-as-a-Service, systems integration, complex data migrations and phased implementations.

To find all five segments, go to