Origence and Eltropy said this week that they are expanding their partnership to deliver an enhanced origination experience.

The technology solutions provider for credit unions and the digital communications platform for community financial institutions (CFIs) said they’re broadening their partnership initially announced in December. The alignment is meant to address a significant challenge faced by credit unions and their members — effective communication in the origination process.

For many credit unions, the time to approve a contract can significantly increase due to extensive back and forth phone calls and emails.

By integrating Eltropy’s product offering within the Origence platform, the partnership will provide an opportunity for credit unions to speed up the origination process, offering several key benefits:

—Enhanced agent efficiency: Seamless 1:1 text conversations within the Origence environment improves agent productivity.

—Streamlined document collection: Eltropy’s trackable, secure links can expedite document collection from the member and sync uploaded documents directly to the application within arc OS, reducing the time and effort required to fund loans.

—Two-way text messaging: Credit unions can text their members in real-time throughout the lifecycle of the application process.

—Instant notifications: Credit unions can receive real-time email notifications for efficient communication and follow-up.

—Instant support: Connect to your members online by leveraging live chat built within arc DX.

—And coming soon, status updates: Members can receive automated, real-time status alerts throughout the lifecycle of their application.

“One of the biggest challenges credit unions face is communication with their members,” Origence vice president of partnerships Bill Lynch said in a news release. “Our focus is on transforming the lending experience for all types of loans.

“By integrating Eltropy’s messaging solutions into our arc OS origination system, we are elevating the borrower experience, resulting in the ultimate loan origination experience for our members,” Lynch continued.

Executives emphasized the Origence-Eltropy integration can empower credit unions to service their members more efficiently, leading to higher closing rates.

Origence has a network of more than 1,100 credit unions, while Eltropy, serves more than 550 credit unions and community banks.

“The demand for this integration between Origence and Eltropy has exceeded our expectations, with our mutual customers eagerly awaiting the integration to unlock the full potential of the two platforms,” Eltropy vice president of strategic partnerships Jason Smith said. “We look forward to its implementation, knowing it will significantly improve our customers’ operational efficiency.”