RouteOne joins Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative

The list of companies that have joined Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI) — a global consortium of industry leading automakers, technology-based startups and other mobility players — grew again on Wednesday.
F&I solutions provider RouteOne is now part of MOBI, adding to the collection that already includes companies such as BMW, Ford, General Motors and KAR Auction Services.
As a member of MOBI, RouteOne highlighted that it will collaborate with industry leaders in pursuit of the creation of a minimum viable ecosystem that aims to standardize blockchain and related technologies to bring transparency and trust to the industry, consumers and communities and reduce frictions and transaction costs in mobility.
RouteOne is looking to enable dealers, OEMs, fintechs and finance sources to respond to continually increasing consumer expectations with highly-configurable mobile tools and services that allow all of these players to create individually-optimized customer experiences; all while helping dealers manage compliance obligations in the F&I office.
“It’s RouteOne’s continued dedication to innovation that is fueling our collaboration with MOBI,” RouteOne chief executive officer Justin Oesterle said. “As a participating member, we are eager to contribute to, and benefit from, MOBI’s innovation process as we actively engage in creating the automotive retailing of the future.
“We believe that MOBI will benefit our owners, our customers, and the industry,” Oesterle continued.
With more than 100 member companies and growing, MOBI is collaborating with a wide variety of players in the mobility and blockchain space.
“We are working with many of the world’s largest automakers and mobility ecosystem players, along with numerous start-ups, nonprofits, governments, transit agencies and technology companies,” MOBI officials said.
“By working together, we can make mobility services more efficient, affordable, greener, safer, and less congested,” they went on to say.