Atcheson: Consider This Marketing Idea to Prepare for a Big 2015

While speaking to a group of business owners at an event, I asked the audience if anyone had an eight-track tape player. One person raised his hand.
(If you are too young to know what an eight-track tape is, substitute cassette tape, or ask someone in their 40s. Either way, it was prior to the existence of the Internet.)
Then I asked the group if I held the biggest secret to rapid growth and explosive profits, would they listen to this 8-track tape.
Most of them shook their head “no” because, “They can't listen to an eight-track tape anymore.”
I told a story of a barbecue I went to recently, and a friend’s grandparents had a giant console television complete with the brown wooden side panels. The console had a built-in vinyl record player and eight-track tape player, and they were all functional.
Even today you can go on eBay and find someone selling an 8-track tape player that works.
So the truth is, everyone in the group could have owned an 8-track tape player, but they chose not to.
Are you delivering your marketing message on 8-track tapes, or using a media that is the equivalent of eight-track tapes?
Just because the eight-track tape players still exist, doesn’t make it a smart way to deliver your marketing message. Just because a media still exists and other dealers are using it, doesn’t mean you should be using it.
Just like the delivery of entertainment and communications, anytime there is a new marketing strategy or media, there is a transition period.
When the television was fairly new people actually said, “Why do we need that when we can watch the radio?”
When the cell phone was fairly new people said, "Why do I need that when there are pay phones on every corner?"
When the Internet became a place to advertise some business owners said, "Why do I need that? I have a yellow pages ad and a newspaper ad?"
Some things become obsolete and never come back. Sometimes you may want to hold on to something that used to work because it was old faithful or it got you to where you are today. By all means if it is still working and you can prove it, keep using it. But if you are holding on to old antiquated media or strategy, you have to be honest with yourself in determining if it still works.
Some dealers hold on to their old strategies and media because they don’t have a replacement.
It is not like it used to be. You don’t simply throw money at advertising and earn a positive ROI, just from treating people right. You have to do more and do it more creatively and effectively. There is a lot to learn if you are doing it yourself or if someone in-house is running your marketing. Fortunately, there are outside marketing companies and consultants that are willing to join your team, and they understand old media and new media.
Fresh Eyes
I am often personally hired to analyze marketing and advertising strategies and methods. We come up with new strategies, help the dealer save some money or help the dealer exploit new opportunities in the marketplace.
Interestingly, something that almost always happens is I point something out that should be tweaked and the dealer says, “Oh yeah, I know that. Why didn’t I already do that?”
And the reason is, you need fresh eyes looking at everything. I write articles for this publication, books, white papers, special reports, blog articles, numerous copywriting jobs for clients and more.
I still don’t edit my own writing. I need fresh eyes looking at my material. When you are too close to the situation, you miss possible improvements that fresh eyes would notice.
Different Perspective
If you have your sales people look at something, they will likely see it with the same perspective as you do and that doesn’t help you.
Or if something is known to be your baby, your employees will not want to point out the potential improvements.
Kenny Atcheson is the president of Dealer Profit Pros. He teaches workshops, speaks at 20 Groups, and his company offers several done-for-you marketing and advertising programs for the buy-here, pay-here industry. His website can be found at