Attendees cheer NABD for latest conference

The National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers gathered feedback from nine attendees who came to its East Coast Conference last week in Orlando, Fla., that focused on best practices and compliance.
Perhaps one comment from an operator in Indiana summarized what NABD looks to accomplish with this latest event that “featured the greatest collection of legal talent in the 18-year history of NABD,” according to founder and president Ken Shilson.
“I always bring all my location managers with me to NABD conferences. After attending these sessions, they seem to better understand the importance and necessity of what we ask them to do on a daily basis,” said Jim Everett, who runs his BHPH business in Greenwood, Ind.
Attorneys Dave Bafumo, Trish Cacciola, Susan Chylik, Allen Denson, Mark Edelman, Tom Hudson, Eric Johnson, Terry O’Loughlin and Shaun Peterson explained and discussed the current legal and regulatory issues with attendees that impact the BHPH industry today.
“These legal experts really prepared attendees for all the important compliance challenges ahead,” Shilson said.
Attendees who attended the three-day event and completed the compliance sessions will receive a compliance certificate which evidences their participation.
Additionally, Hudson created a 12-step checklist to help attendees down the path to compliance after the conference.
The best operating practices sessions featured a panel presentation by John Neery of CARite, Terry Bowdler and George Klinke of LHPH as well as Hudson.
“These panelists did an outstanding job of explaining the pros and cons of this BHPH alternative business model,” Shilson said.
Other best practices sessions included:
— Web tips to regain market share
— Technology solutions
— A how-to on dealer advertising
— Accounting and tax update
— Tax refund tips
— An Autotrader presentation on its BHPH Finance Center
— Capital market alternative discussion groups
— Sourcing, financing and reconditioning inventory techniques
— A benchmarks/trends update
— Phone skill tips
— A current industry issues discussion
— A panel covering how regulatory issues may change BHPH
— An underwriting best practices panel.
“Attendee evaluations unanimously indicated that the conference sessions successfully met all their learning objectives,” Shilson said.
Emily Feathers of Powell, Wyo., supported Shilson's claim by saying, “I came to get a general education on current and relevant topics and thought the conference was very informative. All the speakers did a great job.”
Nick Hall from Lorain, Ohio, noted, “On compliance, the complaint issue was emphasized and it brought awareness to the importance of handling complaints efficiently and timely.”
Dave Rooker, also from Lorain, Ohio, added “I thought that there was really good coverage of many topics that I previously did not know much about.”
A sold out exhibit hall featured more than 60 exhibitors and sponsors who offered all the latest products and services to make attendees more efficient and profitable in the future. The exhibit hall included two receptions, coffees, and a breakfast that enabled attendees to network with industry experts, sponsors and others.
NABD announced that it will hold a Buy Here Pay Here Boot Camp on Jan. 9 and Jan. 10 at the iCars BHPH dealership owned by Ingram Walters in Charlotte, N.C., where attendees can “see and learn” through hands-on training. Shilson said space is limited, so operators are encouraged to call NABD headquarters at (832) 767-4759 while space remains available.
Special discounts to the Boot Camp are available for operators who attended the East Coast Conference.
NABD will also hold its 18th annual National Buy-Here, Pay-Here Conference at Wynn Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas on May 24-26.
For more information on these events, or to download conference presentations, visit