DBA International taps NABD to be education provider

Coming on the heels of another successful educational boot camp for new and veteran operators, the National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers has become an Authorized Education Provider for DBA International, the nonprofit trade association that represents more than 575 companies that purchase performing and nonperforming receivables on the secondary market.
The organizations explained that individuals in the receivables industry can earn continuing education credits toward DBA International certification for completion of in-person, live webinar, or online courses offered through NABD.
NABD indicated that it earned the Authorized Education Provider designation by demonstrating excellence in providing instruction to the BHPH industry. The association is dedicated to improving the quality of BHPH dealers through education, ongoing training, and by promoting the interests of self-finance dealers nationwide. NABD hosts two large, well-attended conferences annually; two of which DBA International board members have participated in as presenters this past year.
“NABD is very pleased that DBA International has selected us as an Authorized Education Provider. As a special interest group, we are organized to work with other associations, like DBA, for the betterment of the subprime auto finance industry,” NABD president and founder Ken Shilson.
“The BHPH industry faces several new legal and regulatory challenges, and we are working diligently to help our members successfully meet them” Shilson continued.
Our evolving relationship with DBA International will provide NABD members with access to experts in debt collection, compliance, loss mitigation, and with new capital market resources. It will benefit both organizations,” he went on to say.
NABD plans to have DBA International conduct an interactive workshop at its National BHPH Conference at the Wynn in Las Vegas on May 24 to 26.
“Auto finance receivables and the subprime market are growing at an unprecedented pace,” DBA International executive director Jan Steiger said.
“Many of our members already work in this area, and many more are exploring opportunities to expand in this asset class,” Steiger continued.
“As an Authorized Education Provider, our members will benefit from the expertise and resources of NABD’s education offerings and conferences as it simplifies the process for obtaining certification credits for our members,” she went on to say.
NABD completes ninth successful BHPH boot camp
NABD celebrated its run of hosting Boot Camps earlier this month with another successful event in Monroe, N.C., on Jan. 9 and Jan. 10.
The training took place at the operations of Ingram Walters and included tours of his entire operations. Attendees received procedures and human resources manuals, compliance materials, financial modeling software, and many other resources to help them operate more successfully.
“This is the only BHPH training where attendees can see a BHPH operation while learning in the classroom,” Shilson said.
“Attendees from around the nation attended this two-day session,” he continued. “Boot Camp sponsors included Auto Zone, Auto Search Technologies, Primalend, and Stars GPS, who made expert presentations during the training about reconditioning, Web design and social media, capital acquisition and GPS technology. CounselorLibrary and Hudson Cook provided the compliance materials to attendees.”
Shilson and Walters conducted the training and moderated the interactive classroom sessions.
“This was our ninth Boot Camp and attendees have been extremely complimentary of the quality and depth of the training they have received,” Shilson said. “All operating and financial aspects of running a successful BHPH operation are covered,”
Shilson added that attendees included both experienced and operators who are new to the industry. Networking during the Boot Camp was exceptional and all attendees received an individual critique of their business plans, as well as training takeaways.
“This training will help them compete more successfully in 2016 and beyond,” Shilson said.
NABD also announced that it is holding its 18th annual National BHPH Conference at the Wynn Resort & Casino in Las Vegas on May 24 to May 26.
For more information or to register, visit www.bhphinfo.com or call (832) 767-4759.