Glenview Finance continues aggressive service launch with bulk portfolio program

April has been a busy month for Glenview Finance.
The company began the second quarter by rolling out five services for tasks such as underwriting and data analytics. Then last week, the company launched its program for bulk portfolios.
Glenview Finance is offering this bulk purchasing program for medium and large dealerships and finance companies. This program provides tailored solutions to optimize cash flow and mitigate operational risks.
The company said clients can sell all or portions of their portfolio, which can help them raise cash quickly, reduce operating risks, and maintain the trust of their customers.
Key highlights of the Glenview Finance bulk purchasing program include:
—Portfolio flexibility: Portfolio sizes range from $5 million to $30 million.
—Streamlined process: Application, due diligence, and approval completed in days, not weeks, ensuring expedited transactions.
—Automotive focus: Specializing in automotive portfolios, encompassing various vehicle types and dealership structures.
—In-house collectors: A diverse group of well-trained collection representatives who are bilingual in Spanish and English help customers with questions about their accounts.
—Customized solutions: Tailored pricing options and flexible terms to meet the unique needs of each dealership or finance company.
—Seamless transition: Smooth customer transitioning through a partnership approach, ensuring minimal disruption and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Glenview Finance said it will inform all customers that the company purchased their contract, provide them with all the necessary information about the transition, and confirm all pertinent customer information.
Glenview Finance president John Donaldson said the goal is to be informative to give the customer a good experience.
“This new program complements and enhances our full-service financial portfolio management platform, Glenview Finance Solutions, and our direct-to-consumer subprime financing operation, Credit Builder,” Donaldson said. “We offer a comprehensive portfolio management approach, and unparalleled efficiency, reliability and financial expertise.”