NABD’s plans are well in motion for fall conference

The industry just moved past Fourth of July, but the National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers (NABD) is already looking toward late October when the organization hosts its next BHPH Conference.
The 14th annual conference — which has the theme Opportunity Knocks – Best Ways to Respond — is set to begin on Oct. 23 at the Rosen Centre in Orlando, Fla.
NABD president and founder Ken Shilson said, “The last 24 months have been extremely challenging for BHPH operators, but better days are ahead.”
Shilson acknowledged that increased competition, plus higher operating and compliance costs, have combined to reduce profits and BHPH market share. However, he added that competition is declining and former BHPH customers will re-enter the finance market when they default on vehicles they bought from the competition.
This conference will address ways to regain market share, find capital, avoid compliance mistakes and reconnect with the best customers, as well as underwriting and collection best practices that work in the current environment.
The program begins on Oct. 23 with a first-timer reception at 1 p.m. and ends at noon on Oct. 25 to facilitate return travel. Featured speakers are set include:
—Richard Flint
—Steve Siebold
—DJ Harrington
—Ingram Walters
Shilson mentioned that more experts who will provide important tips and insights to help attendees succeed are being added to the conference program.
“Their messages will benefit attendees long after the conference ends,” said Shilson, who noted that NABD will post an agenda online at More details also are available by calling (832) 767-4759.
The conference will feature an exhibit hall to facilitate networking between experts and attendees. Anyone interested in exhibiting should call (832) 767-4759, as exhibit sales are currently under way and exhibitor space is limited.
Rosen Centre is conveniently located just minutes from Orlando’s airport and was recently voted one of the 75 best meeting hotels in America. Recently renovated, it offers the ideal facilities for this conference.
NABD has negotiated discounted room rates of $179 per night, with no resort fees, to make it affordable for everyone. Conference registration discounts are also available for attendees who make their room reservations and register for the conference before Sept. 22.
Visit or call (832) 767-4759 to register or for more information.