NIADA hosting first BHPH Summit

There is still time for buy-here, pay-here operators — especially ones who can easily travel to Dallas — to register for the training sessions the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association is organizing for its first BHPH Summit.
The event is set for next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at the Embassy Suites DFW Airport North.
“It’s yet another addition to an NIADA toolbox that continues to expand our level of service to the BHPH industry,” NIADA chief executive officer Steve Jordan said.
Here are some of the agenda highlights of the summit that’s being led by NIADA director of dealer 20 groups Chuck Bonanno as well as the association’s two other 20 group moderators and training consultants — David Brotherton and Mark Dubois:
— 2017 industry trends and opportunities
— Credit reporting
— Remote payment options
— Underwriting in a competitive environment
— Collections best practices
— Network monitoring and cyber security
— Lead management basics
— Future of GPS and starter interrupt technology
Some of the other experts scheduled to be part of the summit include Susan Perlmutter of Sigma Payment Solutions, Steve Levine of Ignite Consulting Partners, Lawrence Pappalardo of Equifax, Robert Wilson of DealerSocket and Bill Neyland of TaxMax.
The association is also assembling a collection of capital providers who will provide their insights into the capital situation facing many of today’s dealers.
NIADA senior vice president of legal and government affairs Shaun Petersen also is on tap to share a regulatory update to summit attendees, as well.
The summit begins with a special welcome reception hosted by Kevin Carr, who is the vice president of financial services at PassTime GPS.
“The entire dealership staff can take something valuable back from this event, and we’re encouraging dealers to bring their managers, salespeople, service staff and collectors by offering discounts for dealerships that bring multiple attendees,” Jordan said.
“While the scope of this event is large, the idea behind it is simple,” he continued. “We want to help every BHPH dealer become stronger, more efficient, more compliant and more profitable. We want to give them the latest information, the best tools and the brightest ideas to make that happen.”
More details about the event can be seen in the video at the top of this page or by going here.
Operators can complete registration for the NIADA’s BHPH Summit by going to this website.