October BHPH conference set for Las Vegas

NABD president and founder Ken Shilson will be among the experts on hand for the NABD Buy Here-Pay Here Subprime Conference on Oct. 8-10 in Las Vegas. Photo courtesy of NIADA.
Operators can get some treats ahead of Halloween as the biggest buy-here, pay-here specific event of the year is headed back to Las Vegas.
The NABD Buy-Here, Pay-Here Subprime Conference, powered by the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association, is set for Oct. 8-10 at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, offering the industry’s best BHPH-specific training for both new operators and BHPH veterans.
The conference features education from the BHPH experts at the National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers and NIADA, including Ken Shilson, Ingram Walters and Chuck Bonanno, as well as top names from the subprime sphere.
Attendees will learn about new industry technology, the latest marketing strategies including digital marketing, collections and underwriting, and best practices that work today – and in the future.
There are also opportunities to network with industry experts, explore ways to secure capital to fund your operation, get updates on compliance and legal issues, and check out an exhibit hall filled with the latest products and services to improve any BHPH business.
“NABD continues, bigger and better than ever,” said Shilson, NABD president and founder. “You can't afford to miss this event. Opportunity knocks for BHPH operators who capitalize on it — and this conference will show you how to do it.”
The discounted early registration rate of $495 per person applies through Sept. 22. Group discounts are also available.
For more information or to register, visit www.nabdsubprimeconference.com or call (832) 767-4759.