Wiley: How Dealers Made The Most Of 2014 Tax Season
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2014, 01:59 PM
Chip Wiley, Tax Refund Services
The peak of tax season is over. W-2 forms have been handed out to employees, and the tax refund money is long gone in most cases. If your business was ready for tax season, the annual opportunity was once again ... [Read More]
Insolvency Exception Could Help Form 1099-C Recipients
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2014, 01:53 PM
Nick Zulovich, Editor
Working with customer disputes isn’t an unfamiliar situation to most buy-here, pay-here operators. Dealers have become accustomed to smoothing out situations about repairs, payments and a host of other issues. Another customer concern happening more often stems from individuals who ... [Read More]
NIADA Makes Position on Debt Collection Known to CFPB
Thursday, Mar. 27, 2014, 01:43 PM
Nick Zulovich, Editor
The National Independent Automobile Dealers Association made sure to craft a detailed response when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau allowed time for comments regarding possible changes to federal rules governing debt collection. Regulators sought the input as they consider the ... [Read More]
Advice With Windows XP Support Coming To An End In April
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2014, 07:37 PM
Chris Jackson, Auto Search Technologies
Microsoft Windows XP is a PC based OS (operating system) which first appeared in October of 2001 as the highly anticipated upgrade from the MS-DOS based Windows 98. The newly redesigned look and feel of Windows XP was centered on ... [Read More]
Spireon Achieves New Revenue Record
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2014, 07:35 PM
BHPH Report Staff
Spireon highlighted that its automotive solutions group reached $102 million in revenue for 2013 and now is actively deployed in 1.5 million vehicles within the automotive finance industry, including a wide array of buy-here, pay-here dealers. Spireon also announced that ... [Read More]
FEX DMS Highlights Major Enhancements To FEX EPS Pay Portal
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2014, 07:33 PM
BHPH Report Staff
FEX DMS recently launched major enhancements to its electronic payment service to help buy-here pay-here dealers who use the FEX EPS solution. FEX DMS chief technology officer Jeff McCurry highlighted the new enhancements are designed to revolutionize the way FEX ... [Read More]
Learn From Your Year-End Losses, Don’t Repeat Them
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2014, 07:04 PM
Ken Shilson
With 2013 in the rear view mirror, many buy-here, pay-here operators will evaluate last year’s performance by reviewing sales figures and the “bottom line” of their year end financial statements. Although I acknowledge that these are typical performance barometers operators ... [Read More]
Daughtry: Considering BHPH? Here Is A Starting Point Or Two
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2014, 06:57 PM
Gene Daughtry
Have you considered buy-here, pay-here? This is a good time to make the move. If you have and wondered where to start, here is a ‘beginning’ you can use to get moving in the right direction. There are many things ... [Read More]
Car-Mart Aiming To Get Customers ‘Over The Finish Line’
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2014, 06:50 PM
Nick Zulovich, Editor
Like many buy here, pay-here dealers, BHPH chain America’s Car-Mart has seen some of its better customers being wooed away by the possibility of getting a newer, lower-mileage vehicle at another dealership because finance companies are willing to take on ... [Read More]
Ignoring Form 1099-C Filing Can Become Costly
Wednesday, Mar. 5, 2014, 05:22 PM
Nick Zulovich, Editor
You probably have heard that running cocktail hour joke about the two sure things in life — death and taxes. Well that chuckle starter came up again during the BHPH Report’s conversation with McGladrey’s Scott Ruby when he discussed how ... [Read More]