NABD’s Shilson discusses succession plan
Monday, May. 1, 2017, 04:09 PM
BHPH Report Staff
Ken Shilson and the National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers have been included in the same breath for decades. In a letter to NABD members obtained by BHPH Report on Monday, Shilson acknowledged that change is coming. Ahead of NABD’s ... [Read More]
BHPH benchmark sneak peek: the rise & appeal of leasing
Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2017, 02:09 PM
Nick Zulovich, Senior Editor
Thanks to more data and information from NCM Associates, the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association and Subprime Analytics, Ken Shilson has more evidence showing the performance of the lease-here, pay-here model that more operators are leveraging as a way to ... [Read More]
FactorTrust tool offers real-time reporting on underbanked consumers
Tuesday, Apr. 18, 2017, 02:04 PM
BHPH Report Staff
As part of its continued commitment to the needs of buy-here, pay-here dealers, short-term lenders and the alternative financial services industry, FactorTrust recently announced a tool called FlexFormat; what the company contends is the first industry standard in reporting short-term ... [Read More]
Reviewing 2017 tax season
Thursday, Apr. 13, 2017, 02:28 PM
Nick Zulovich, Senior Editor
With the deadline to file federal income tax forms passing on April 18, Cox Automotive chief economist Tom Webb reflected back on what’s known as tax season but likely isn’t the resounding retail period for buy-here, pay-here dealers it once ... [Read More]
Top 3 bankruptcy trends from past 2 quarters
Thursday, Apr. 13, 2017, 02:06 PM
BHPH Report Staff
Three noteworthy trends associated with bankruptcies surfaced during the past two quarters. The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) reported that total U.S. filings fell slightly during the first quarter but ticked higher in March compared to the same month a year ... [Read More]
BHPH benchmark sneak peek: income insights
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017, 03:11 PM
BHPH Report Staff
In another preview of the annual industry benchmarks compiled by the National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers, Ken Shilson touched on three more highlights from the “most comprehensive report we have ever published on subprime auto finance,” covering activity through ... [Read More]
NADA Values now integrated into Wayne Reaves DMS
Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2017, 03:07 PM
BHPH Report Staff
Wayne Reaves, one of the leading providers of dealer management software to independent dealers since 1987, will soon enhance its flagship product with NADA Values from J.D. Power Valuation Services. According to Jason Reaves, president of Wayne Reaves, “Our integration ... [Read More]
BHPH benchmark sneak peek: allowance for bad debts
Tuesday, Apr. 4, 2017, 06:27 PM
Nick Zulovich, Senior Editor
When compiling the 19th version of the buy-here, pay-here industry benchmarks, Ken Shilson noticed a metric climb to a level never seen previously — the allowance for bad debts. On one hand, the president of Subprime Analytics and the National ... [Read More]
Westlake ALPS swiftly moves to acquire $14.7M bulk portfolio
Thursday, Mar. 30, 2017, 04:27 PM
BHPH Report Staff
Advanced Lending & Portfolio Services (ALPS), a division of Westlake Financial Services, tried to make it a simple process for a buy-here, pay-here operator to cash in on his way to departing the space. Earlier this week, Westlake ALPS announced the ... [Read More]
NIADA survey shows ‘unprecedented’ positivity
Tuesday, Mar. 28, 2017, 02:08 PM
BHPH Report Staff
Cox Automotive’s Tom Webb said earlier this year that buy-here, pay-here dealers were in a “better position.” Then a few weeks later, Ken Shilson with the National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers highlighted how “bad news could be good news ... [Read More]