Skypatrol enhances DMS integration to automate messages to defaulted contract holders

GPS tracking solutions provider Skypatrol released what it’s calling a time-saving solution for batch communications to customers in your related finance company portfolio who are behind on making their installment payments.
Skypatrol highlighted its AutoBatch for DMS can give buy-here, pay-here dealers and vehicle finance companies the capability to automate DMS-driven “machine to machine” (M2M) commands to contract holders in default. Now, operators can leverage the power of their existing DMS to output a list of defaulting customers and the type of action that is required.
This list is automatically emailed M2M, and Skypatrol’s secure servers communicate with the borrower’s GPS turning on a piezo, sending location information or deactivating the vehicle if parked.
Officials explained this process is completed fully independent of any system integration or application program interface (API) exchange, making it easy for Skypatrol customers to implement the solution across all popular DMS platforms without specialized technical support.
Each time commands are distributed, a detailed report is sent confirming the action took place. If for some reason the vehicle can’t be reached, the system automatically retries to establish contact — which is reported as well.
Depending on how much of your portfolio is in some level of default, Skypatrol insisted it’s vital that BHPH dealers and finance companies have an efficient methodology for asset protection.
Skypatrol’s product and service solution combines proprietary GPS devices with innovative software systems that can help boost portfolio performance, increase operational efficiencies and reduce risk in the vehicle finance industry.
The AutoBatch for DMS system can combine with Skypatrol’s other finance industry products for a complete end-to-end solution. Its one-click Repo Mode Tool can gives time-limited secure smartphone access to recovery teams of a vehicle’s current location.
“Auto Batch for DMS will save lenders and dealers the manual and labor intensive task of individually creating actions one at a time when no integration is possible,” Skypatrol chief operating officer Larry Jones said.
“There are some DMS systems that don’t allow integration due to the lack of an API, there is a deficient API or it is a legacy system,” Jones continued. “Either way, finding a way to work outside of an API is just what our customers need to remain efficient and competitive.”
Furthermore, Jones mentioned Skypatrol's Data Verification Tool can qualify applicants and help locate them if they skip. Its Virtual Collector module can send automated email and text reminders, increasing cash flow and reducing defaults.
“I am a very strong proponent of products that automate communications and actions around the default process,” said Jim Rhoads, a consultant to the BHPH industry.
“By removing the potential for human error, reaction to delinquency is timely and consistent,” Rhoads continued. “It also depersonalizes part of the process, allowing collectors to effectively blame ‘the system’ for early and persistent reminders.
“Automated communication also reduces the level of frustration that builds in collectors when they are unable to reach the debtor/customer and it frees collectors up to do the more important work of solving problems,” Rhoads went on to say.