WAYNE, Pa. -

After many years of investing in research and development with its valued clients and partners, MaximTrak Technologies recently rolling out an F&I platform the company believes has four unique enhancements geared toward international business.

The MaximTrak Global platform is being released in the United States, Canada, China, Australia, South America and into Europe. This new platform contains newly enhanced features aimed at creating a world-class experience that not only handles the challenges of modern F&I but increases profitability and CSI scores.

These new features include:

— Customizable portal page: F&I managers have access to a configurable landing page upon login that displays the most relevant reports, news items, alerts, and other critical content.

— Enhanced workflow: With a newly enhanced workflow, F&I managers can flow through the transaction process, rating, menu, contracting, and reporting faster than ever — without compromising on compliance.

— Media-rich content: New presentations tools and videos are underway to allow for a more engaging and informative sales experience for the modern consumer.

— Scalable, configurable and customizable: The new platform can allow for new levels of tailoring the system to meet the particular needs of the dealership and the F&I manager. It also sets the stage for adding new custom features to meet the specific ways our customers do business.

In addition, new and existing clients can upgrade to MAXIMTRAK FLITE, which can combines a state-of-the-art touch screen and tablet technology with MaximTrak’s fully integrated, compliant and comprehensive system to put the customer in control in a whole new way.

The entire buying process is enhanced and streamlined with interactive videos, surveys, product recommendations, package building, and more. With the flick of a finger, customers are guided through a consistent, frictionless, and enjoyable sales experience transforming the vehicle delivery process and driving dealer profitability.

MaximTrak Global will be made available to existing MaximTrak customers. Current and new customers can upgrade to FLITE at an introductory rate for a limited time.

“We have taken what we have pioneered in America out to lead the global effort. Then we are bringing back home what we learn internationally,” MaximTrak Technologies president Jim Maxim Jr. said.

“This cross-pollination gives us unique insights into creating better buying experiences, better systems, and better results for OEMs, dealer principals, F&I managers, agents and the end consumer,” Maxim added.

To learn more and for a personal demonstration of MaximTrak, call (800) 282-6308 or email sales@maximtrak.com.