CBA Announces New Bi-Annual Auto Finance Study
ARLINGTON, Va. — The Consumer Bankers Association announced that it is now offering a bi-annual auto finance study, which covers benchmarks and statistics on indirect auto lending.
Compiled by BenchMarch Consulting International, CBA officials call the ramped up version of the study "the most comprehensive reference source available."
"During these challenging times, this survey is a must-have to keep pace with industry trends and competitor analysis," according to the association.
The studies feature enhanced analysis of data points, allowing for a deeper dive into key performance measures including, volumes, look to book, loan amounts, credit quality, term, LTVs, delinquencies and charge-offs.
This new bi-annual study is designed to provide more timely information to help institutions prepare for marketplace changes, evaluate operational efficiencies and compare portfolio performances with industry peers.
Features include:
—Peer analysis by class size and institution type.
—Analysis of data by FICO scoreband, LTV and term.
—Delinquency data displayed by bucket type as well as overall delinquency rates.
Study Measures Include:
—Year-over-year changes.
—Year over year summary metrics.
—Indicative market trends for both new and used vehicles.
—Profitability metrics by institution type.
—Originations by source.
—Originations by institution type.
—Dealer reserve methodologies.
—Behavioral score updates.
—Bankruptcies and repossessions.
—Credit quality.
—New and used originations by FICO scoreband.
—Account delinquencies.
—Charge-off dollar distribution by FICO.
—Originations FICO and LTV by term.
—Buy rate and contract rate APRs by term.
—Amount financed and dealer reserve by term.
—30-Day delinquency and net charge-offs by term.
—Maximum term by institution's type.
—Originations and FICO and term by LTV.
—Buy rate and contract rate APRs by LTV.
—Amount financed and dealer reserve by LTV.
—30-day delinquency and net charge-offs by LTV.
—Method and maximum LTVs used.