PORTLAND, Ore. — Chrome Systems is looking to help dealers and financial institutions reduce risk wherever possible. So, the company has scheduled a free Webinar to discuss how best to minimize investment risks and maximize vehicle profits.

This free Webinar is scheduled for Wednesday at 2 p.m. ET. Some of the questions Chrome plans to cover include:

—Is inaccurate or incomplete collateral verification putting your automotive investment portfolios at risk?

—Are you worried you are developing loan agreements without knowing crucial vehicle details?

—Do you need help minimizing your investment risk?

—Can you streamline your automatic approval process?

"In today's challenging economy, used-vehicle sales represent a unique profit opportunity for financial institutions," Chrome officials explained.

"Since the ability to structure profitable loan agreements and protect the investment portfolio is largely dependent on a single factor — vehicle description — accuracy in this area is of critical importance to any financial institution's bottom line," they added.

Free registration for this Webinar can be completed at this Web page.