SANTA ANA, Calif. — CoreLogic Credco announced this week that it is now providing the credit score disclosure exception to the risk-based pricing notice free of charge to all participating auto, RV and marine dealers automatically with every credit report ordered.

Officials indicated delivery of the free consumer CSDs began this month in preparation for the risk-based pricing regulation effective date, which is Jan. 1.

The company recalled that back on Dec. 22, 2009, the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Reserve Board released the final rules for implementation of section 311 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act.

Federal officials stated that section 311 requires auto dealers and other creditors to provide notice to consumers who are granted materially less favorable lending terms than other consumers based on data included in their credit report.

In accordance with National Automotive Dealers Association's recommendation, CoreLogic Credco said it's offering the credit score disclosure exception as a compliance solution for the risk-based pricing regulation.

CoreLogic Credco went on to explain the risk-based pricing CSD exception includes model forms to ensure consistent disclosure information, a user-friendly customer question and answer format and consumer score comparison data. The CSD is set to be automatically fulfilled with every CoreLogic Credco credit report ordered.

"We are pleased to offer this valuable service free of charge to our automotive, recreational vehicle and marine dealer customers," stated Patrick Colbert, senior vice president of sales and operations for CoreLogic Credco.

"Our risk-based pricing CSD exception is part of our ongoing commitment to help dealers maintain state and federal compliance requirements in a convenient, non-disruptive way so they can stay focused on sales," Colbert added.

To learn more about CoreLogic Credco risk-based pricing credit score disclosures, dealers can call (866) 301-9750 or visit