JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Advanced Business Computers of America recently announced an improvement to its DMS system, which is called Deal Pack. The DMS system now offers a fully integrated floor planning solution for dealers.

From roll fees to floor plan reserves, Deal Pack officials said their program covers it.

"In today's market, floor planning is oftentimes exactly what the dealer needs to stay profitable. When conventional financing pipelines dry up, floor planning offers an appealing alternative to finance business activities. As the floor planning industry grows, Deal Pack is positioned to provide all the necessary tools and accurate accounting principles required to properly handle all floor planning business processes," officials explained.

Advanced Business Computers of America has apparently provided software solutions for the buy-here, pay-here and finance industries since 1983, the company noted.

Deal Pack was designed to address issues critical to car lots, related finance companies, in addition to service and parts operations, officials highlighted.

"Written by accountants and enhanced by industry professionals, Deal Pack is capable of making over 30,000 journal entries, redefining what is possible within a DMS system," officials pointed out.

"Deal Pack now offers fully integrated floor planning, multiple branch accounting, new collection features that simplify, improve and modernize collecting with the Internet features such as Skype, and a state-of-the-art digital loan jacket that enables all of the customers' files to be digitized and only a mouse click away," according to the company.

For more information, visit www.DealPack.com.