COSTA MESA, Calif. — Experian's fourth quarter Business Benchmark Report showed general improvement in business performance in most categories such as bill payments and delinquencies quarter over quarter.

However, analysts acknowledged metrics remained negative from a year-over-year perspective.

Experian discovered risk scores remained relatively flat across all industry groups and geographic regions quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year. The firm reiterated that risk scores are based on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being least risky and predicts the likelihood of severe delinquency defined as more than 91 days past due within the next 12 months.  

Interestingly, Experian noticed the largest businesses — those organizations with more than 1,000 employees — showed the greatest quarter-over-quarter improvement (2.2 percent) but the largest decline (14.7 percent) year over year.

Analysts determined days beyond terms (DBT) appeared to be stabilizing quarter over quarter, across all business sizes, industry groups and geographic regions. However, they pointed out DBT remained significantly negative year over year, increasing by as much as 13.8 percent.

Experian went on to mention the percentage of dollars delinquent has remained relatively flat quarter-over-quarter. One exception was larger businesses — those operations with 250 or more employees — which have shown significant improvements, reducing their debt by as much as 11 percent.

According to the report, performance in this category varies quarter-over-quarter by industry sector and geographic region. Year-over-year, the change in percentage of dollars delinquent varies across all business sizes.

Notably, midsize businesses — companies with 250 to 499 employees — saw the greatest positive change, improving by 35.9 percent.

"The general stabilization and signs of improvement seen in Q4 are encouraging. No matter what the business size, industry or geographic region, having a strong risk score, paying bills on time and reducing delinquent debt are important elements to achieving a positive business profile," explained Allen Anderson, president of Experian's business information services.

"Building and maintaining positive credit is critical to a business' success, because it helps them obtain more favorable payment terms or interest rates," Anderson continued.

Other findings from the fourth quarter Business Benchmark Report include:

—The average commercial risk score in December was 57.4. This metric remained relatively stable over the fourth-quarter time period and over the previous year.

—The largest businesses showed the greatest improvement (2.2 percent) in their commercial risk score quarter-over-quarter. When compared year-over-year, the analysis showed that businesses of all sizes remained relatively stable in commercial risk score, with the exception of the largest businesses that showed a significant decline, decreasing by 14.7 percent.

—Quarter-over-quarter, all regions showed a slight improvement in commercial risk score, with the Southeast showing the greatest improvement at 1.2 percent. When compared with the previous year, the Southeast and Plains businesses showed the greatest decline in commercial risk score decreasing by as much as 3.5 percent.

—U.S. businesses paid their bills an average of 7.3 days beyond contracted terms in December. This metric remained relatively flat quarter over quarter, showing a 1.6 percent increase. When compared year-over-year, DBT has seen a 13.8 percent increase.

—Quarter-over-quarter, all business sizes have remained relatively stable in their payment performance, showing only slight worsening. When compared with the previous year, however, businesses of all sizes showed an increase in DBT, which is consistent across all industries and geographic regions.

—The national average percentage of dollars delinquent and the percentage of dollars considered severely delinquent (more than 91 days past due) have remained relatively stable, increasing by 1.4 percent and 1.7 percent, respectively, quarter over quarter. Compared with the previous year, both metrics have increased by 7.6 percent and 16.2 percent, respectively.

—Quarter over quarter, the communications sector showed the greatest decrease in delinquent dollars, improving by 28.0 percent. When compared with the previous year, the finance and utilities sectors showed the greatest decrease in percentage of dollars delinquent, improving by as much as 28.4 percent. Among the largest increases in percentage of dollars delinquent were the legal services (20.8 percent) and real estate (19.5 percent) sectors.

—Quarter over quarter, the communications sector showed the greatest decrease in percentage of dollars considered severely delinquent, improving by as much as 34.0 percent. Year over year, the Utilities sector showed one the greatest decreases in percentage of dollars considered severely delinquent, improving by 29.3 percent. Conversely, real estate, legal services and public services showed the greatest increase in percentage of dollars considered severely delinquent, rising by as much as 36.8 percent year over year.

—Quarter over quarter, the New England, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast and Plains regions showed the greatest increase in percentage of dollars delinquent, worsening by as much as 7.8 percent. Year over year, businesses in the Plains, Midwest and Southeast regions showed the greatest increase in percentage of dollars delinquent, rising by as much as 20.3 percent. Meanwhile, the Northeast and South Central regions showed the greatest decrease in percentage of dollars delinquent, improving by as much as 7.2 percent over the same time frame.

—The quarter-over-quarter comparison showed that most regions increased their percentage of severely delinquent dollars, with the New England and Northeast regions showing the greatest increase, rising by as much as 7.9 percent. Conversely, the Mountain region showed the greatest decrease in percentage of dollars considered severely delinquent, improving by 8.9 percent. Year over year, most regions showed an increase in percentage of severely delinquent dollars. The Mountain, Northwest and Midwest regions showed the greatest increase, rising by as much as 29.9 percent.

To download previous reports or to see a visual representation of this data and other information broken down by state in an interactive map, visit