While he might be serving as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau only in an interim capacity, Dave Uejio doesn’t appear to be just sitting idle as lawmakers eventually consider President Joe Biden’s nominee to be the permanent fixture in the post.

Through a blog post on the CFPB’s website, Uejio articulated his priorities, beginning with reversing policies of the last administration that he said “weakened enforcement and supervision.”

As of Thursday, Uejio said it now is the official policy of the CFPB to supervise lenders with regard to the Military Lending Act.

“And we are planning to rescind public statements conveying a relaxed approach to enforcement of the laws in our care,” he said in the blog post.

Uejio moved on to another topic that’s been top of mind in many conversations by lawmakers, policymakers and advocates in recent months.

“It’s also time for the CFPB to take bold and swift action on racial equity. I know this is close to the hearts of many of you. The country is in the middle of a long overdue conversation about race, and as we all know, practices and policies of the financial services industry have both caused and exacerbated racial inequality,” Uejio said.

“I am going to elevate and expand existing investigations and exams and add new ones to ensure we have a healthy docket intended to address racial equity. This of course means that fair lending enforcement is a top priority and will be emphasized accordingly,” he continued. “But we will also look more broadly, beyond fair lending, to identify and root out unlawful conduct that disproportionately impacts communities of color and other vulnerable populations.”

Uejio ascended into being director for the time being after Biden installed him in the position following a demand for the resignation of Kathleen Kraninger, who immediately left the CFPB on Inauguration Day.

Two days earlier, Biden picked Rohit Chopra, currently a commissioner with the Federal Trade Commission, to oversee the CFPB.

Until Chopra is confirmed by the Senate, it will be Uejio running the CFPB.

“Having joined the bureau in 2011, I have seen firsthand the impact of the bureau’s mission and the incredible work being done by its staff. I know that the bureau’s staff shares my devotion to the bureau’s mission, and I look forward to serving in this latest capacity,” Uejio said.