NAF Association unveils revamped website

Screenshot courtesy of the NAF Association.
The National Automotive Finance Association has a new look — at least online.
This week, the NAF Association launched its newly redesigned website with revamped features such as a modernized logo, streamlined design, improved functionality, and easy access to essential information.
The NAF Association highlighted the comprehensive website is designed to bring a “personalized” user experience and an “all-in-one” solution for visitors who wish to find industry resources, learn about upcoming events and manage their membership.
Organization leaders also pointed out they recently increased the value of affiliation by refreshing legacy programs and implementing new opportunities for education and networking.
NAF Association executive director Jennifer Martin went on to mention the redesigned website brings the benefits of membership together and supports the organization’s plans for continued growth in the future.
“We are thrilled to debut our new association website to current members, future members, and industry partners who are looking to understand the breadth of what the NAF Association has to offer,” Martin said.
“This website redesign allows each visitor to enjoy a positive experience and have access to member benefit information and other resources. We hope our users love it as much as we do,” she went on to say.
Visitors are encouraged to explore the website and sign up for a user account or apply for membership with the NAF Association at