PODCAST: New Primeritus Financial Services CEO Steve Norwood

This summer certainly has been a season of change for Primeritus Financial Services, which now has a new chief executive officer and chief financial officer.
Taking on the CEO post is Steve Norwood, who previously led Consolidated Asset Recovery Systems (CARS) until it was acquired by Primeritus in the spring of 2019.
Norwood brought a key executive with him, as Jennifer Turnage has been named as Primeritus’ new CFO. Turnage served in the same capacity with CARS.
Norwood spent part of Tuesday afternoon chatting with Cherokee Media Group senior editor Nick Zulovich for an episode of the Auto Remarketing Podcast, explaining why he’s now leading Primeritus and what the top tasks on his new work agenda are.
To listen to the conversation, click on the link available below, or visit the Auto Remarketing Podcast page.
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