CARY, N.C. — SubPrime Auto Finance News is now ramping up for its July/August edition, which will honor several of the top executives and dealers in the industry.

The publication is looking to recognize top executives whether they are Buy-Here, Pay-Here dealers or work in special finance for an auto lender, a service provider or a note purchaser, to name a few.

"We're looking to honor executives from all aspects of the subprime auto finance industry. We want to recognize executives who go the extra step to not only help their company succeed, but also the industry as a whole. We're looking for leaders who brought their companies successfully through the recession," said Jennifer Reed, automotive group editor.

The deadline for nominations has been extended to Wednesday, June 2. Be sure to include:

—Title, contact information and full name of the person you are nominating. Be sure to also include your name and contact information as well. Please explain how you know the person you are nominating.

—A few brief paragraphs on why you think this person should be honored. What have they contributed to the industry? Please note that we will pull portions of your comments as direct quotes in the July/August edition.

—A high resolution photograph of the person you are nominating is a must. We cannot consider nominations without a photo included.

All nominations must be e-mailed to Reed at by June 2. Questions or concerns can also be e-mailed to Reed.

—Finally, due to spacing constraints please note that we will not be able to honor everyone nominated. However, we will do our best to touch on different aspects of the marketplace. If the person you nominate is not tapped as a Mover & Shaker this year, please stay tuned as we will offer another opportunity for nominations next year.