CARY, N.C. — The staff of SubPrime Auto Finance News is once again preparing for the annual issue which features the SubPrime 75, or top companies that play a role in the auto finance marketplace.

As such, the staff is now seeking company nominations, but move quickly because the deadline closes on Tuesday, April 12.

Whether an auto finance company, service provider, buy-here, pay-here dealership, lead provider, note purchaser or other, SubPrime Auto Finance News is looking to honor the top companies in the sector.

"While many of the larger financial institutions pulled back in subprime lending due to the recession, they are now slowly coming back and loosening their credit requirements, which is good news for dealers and the industry," said Jennifer Reed, automotive group editor. 

"Meanwhile, many regional providers stuck out the tough times and continued to help dealers get credit-challenged customers into rides. One thing about a tough recession is that it weeds out the weaker companies. We want to recognize those who pulled through the recession and are continuing to go strong serving the industry," she added.

Nominations can be emailed to Reed at

All nominations must include:

—Company name, key contact person and phone number.

—A few brief paragraphs on why you think the company should be included in this year's listing. What services does the company provide for the industry? What makes this company special? Does the staff have a special dedication?

—Again, all nominations must be in by Tuesday, April 12. Unfortunately, due to spacing constraints, we cannot recognize everyone, but we plan to highlight a variety a companies from across the spectrum. If your company does not make the listing this year, please stay tuned as we will do the list again next year.

—As a part of the listing we will be offering the opportunity to purchase a company profile to highlight some additional information about your offerings. For more details on this, please contact Amanda Dunlap at

The SubPrime 75 listing will be featured in the May/June SubPrime Auto Finance News edition, which will have a bonus circulation and be on site during the National Alliance of Buy-Here, Pay-Here Dealers annual conference in Las Vegas.