Title Twins gain more capability through West Virginia’s Clearinghouse

Twin sisters Tracie Lane and Molly Johnson established Washington State Titling Services almost a year ago because of the challenges they experienced working at dealerships in the Northwest.
This week, the pair said their sister company — the Title Twins — gained access through West Virginia’s Clearinghouse to broaden capabilities in the vehicle and vessel titling sector with services available for all states, except West Virginia.
Now the Title Twins can offer:
—Universal titling capability: Offering services for titles from any state (excluding West Virginia), Title Twins can provide a comprehensive solution to meet the nation’s vehicle and vessel titling needs.
—Efficient turnaround: With a commitment to efficiency, Title Twins aims to deliver fast service, enhancing the titling process for clients nationwide.
—Client-Centric Service: Focused on client satisfaction, Title Twins said it is dedicated to ensuring a streamlined and positive titling experience.
“We are excited to share our expertise and work with forward thinking industry leaders to improve the titling process. Our goal is to provide efficient and client-focused services,” Lane said in a news release.
For more details, contact the Title Twins at (509) 595-6654 or AcessWVClearinghouse@theTitleTwins.com.