On Thursday morning, Weltman, Weinberg & Reis will launch the opening session of a free, year-round educational webinar series to help finance companies and other lenders stay ahead of trends, changes and updates throughout the world of collections.

With the moniker, “what’s on tap,” the opening session will feature attorneys from Weltman’s Philadelphia office. Shareholder and office managing attorney Michael Dougherty and attorneys Cameron Deane and Scott Best plan to discuss replevins, repossessions and repair shop liens.

It’s set to begin at 9:30 a.m. (ET) on Thursday and registration can be completed via this website.

Weltman said the webinars are free and recordings are available for those who register and are unable to attend.

“This exciting series will answer the question: What’s on tap in the world of collections? From commercial litigation and compliance to collateral recovery and banking and credit union representation, you won’t want to miss an episode,” the firm said.

The current schedule of webinar includes:

Aug. 17: Replevins, Repossessions & Repair Shop Liens – How to best recover your vehicle

Nov. 16: Handling Responses to Garnishments & Levies – Do’s and don’ts to make sure you are protected

Feb. 15:  Cross collateralization, set-offs and the impact of bankruptcy

May 16: Legal collection strategies to maximize bottom line

Aug. 22, 2024: Collections of deceased accounts – The forgotten strategy to enhance

Dougherty shared a preview via the online video posted below.