The ‘New’ Autobytel Goes Live

Incorporating a host of new features aimed at connecting dealers with potential buyers, Autobytel on Thursday launched its revamped website, emphasizing the tagline, “Your Lifetime Automotive Advisor.”
Developed with extensive consumer input, Autobytel highlighted the redesign incorporates bold colors, updated graphics, nearly 1 million rich vehicle images, user-friendly navigation and new, innovative tools for consumers to personalize their online shopping and buying experience.
Executives believe the new design can enable consumers to easily research information on new and used vehicles, explore important options to consider when purchasing or leasing a vehicle, select a dealership from Autobytel’s network of dealers and share their thoughts and hear from others regarding opinions on and experiences with a particular vehicle and/or dealer.
Additionally, they mentioned consumers can customize the site to save their research, favorite articles and photos and create a profile to manage vehicle(s) they currently own.
“We at Autobytel know everything begins and ends with the consumer, especially when looking to attract and satisfy visitors whose expectations are appropriately high given both the passionate and practical dynamics involved in automotive consideration,” stated Autobytel president and chief executive officer Jeffrey Coats.
“The new is designed to do just that by bringing excitement and fun back to the online car buying experience, while at the same time giving consumers expert advice on a number of issues surrounding the shopping and decision process,” Coats continued.
“Easy-to-use navigation, new graphics and an ongoing commitment to provide more exclusive content are just part of our new website,” he went on to say.
“We designed to be Your Lifetime Automotive Advisor, giving users the tools they need to research, shop, finance, insure and maintain vehicles as well as “how to’s” for selling or trading in an existing car or truck. We want our visitors to think of as that trusted friend who can help you buy a car with confidence at a dealership and maintain that certainty when owning a new or used vehicle.
“Producing this enhanced consumer experience enables us to better connect interested buyers with the thousands of dealers in our network,” he added.
More Details about Consumer Input
Autobytel stressed it performed extensive research and solicited feedback from consumers to develop the new site.
Focus group and survey findings noted that consumers felt sites in Autobytel’s category were not “customizable” and too often assumed all visitors were alike and had the same needs.
Specifically, consumers shared that they visit sites in the category for many different reasons and at varied stages in the purchase or trade in/sale process.
Autobytel discovered an important takeaway was that consumers communicated their true passion for a vehicle and while they admit the process can be intimidating, they expressed a real desire to have a “fun” experience when researching and shopping for a vehicle online.
Executives contend the new addresses these consumer “wants” via the following:
—Comprehensive Research Capabilities: Users will be able to extensively research both new and used vehicle on the newly designed With a simple click, visitors to the site will have immediate access to nearly 1 million new and used vehicle photos, information and specifications.
—Exclusive Editorial Content: With a new editorial approach led by’s managing editor Michelle Naranjo, the site will incorporate an increasing amount of exclusive editorial content including detailed vehicle reviews, new-vehicle sneak peeks and cutting-edge industry news all packaged for the consumer through dynamic graphics, text and photography.
—True User Personalization: No matter what stage in the lifecycle of their vehicles they may be, consumers can easily find what they need on the new website. From the “What car is right for me?” tool to configuring their ideal car or truck, to creating a profile for the current vehicles they own in Autobytel’s unique MyGarage, provides a full scope of experiences.
Specific to MyGarage — a free ownership area of the site — consumers can manage their current and future vehicles through a wide array of tools such as diagnose your problem and talk to or find a mechanic. Members of MyGarage also can receive service reminders, warranty and recall alerts along with special offers from service providers.
“Consumers were very direct in telling us their desire to find what they want, when and where they want it,” Coats acknowledged.
“We pioneered the automotive internet when we launched in 1995, and we have set out to re-engineer the online car buying experience again in 2011,” he emphasized. “The first phase of our new site is just one step in providing today’s automotive shopper with the kind of information, navigation and tools they told us they wanted and expect in a site like ours.
“Your Lifetime Automotive Advisor is much more than a tagline — it is our unique commitment through to serve our visitors with a full array of content and experiences to address each of their automotive needs,” Coats concluded.