MBSi recently added another tool to its suite of solutions, Re-Pros and iRepo. MBSi sees RepoIntel as a way repossession companies can better gauge how they are performing by producing reports for lenders and other clients.

The company explained that it invested months into research and development of RepoIntel, a one-stop ad-hoc reporting solution. RepoIntel can pull a repo agency’s data into custom reports that can be customized with parameters that can fit the operation’s needs. RepoIntel can generate access to useful report templates that agencies can modify and save for future use.

“With any development, it’s more than just one item that we look at,” MBSi vice president of operations Vince Mitchell told Auto Remarketing.

“We look at how a new tool will impact our system,” Mitchell continued. “We look at the feature sets that we think the customers will be able to utilize. Then there’s the actual development itself, where we put our code to the road and our fingers to the keyboard and produce the code that allows the feature either to be integrated into our current suite of software offerings or to build a new feature module into the system itself.”

Mitchell went to further detail why it’s important RepoIntel has the capability to produce ad-hoc reporting.

—Ad-hoc reporting can empower agencies to ask their own questions of company data without waiting for these reports to be created by outside sources.

—The tool can get critical information to the right people at the right time. Self-service results coupled with automatic scheduling/delivery of information can let operations facilitate timely decision making and users can get the information they need when they need it to answer critical, real-time questions.

—The tool can foster flexibility for constantly changing environments and can encourage collaboration and information sharing.

“You can easily create, organize, publish and make reports available to other users,” Mitchell emphasized. “Business needs to evolve. As they do, answers to changing business questions become more critical. It’s impossible to predict what questions and answers users may need in the future, so it’s important that your reporting solution be limber enough to meet your needs regardless of the situation.”

To celebrate the launch of this new and exciting feature, MBSi is waiving the start-up fee (typically $199) for a limited number of subscriptions.

“Obviously we’re very excited to be able to present a tool like this to the industry,” Mitchell declared. “We think it’s going to be a great benefit to the industry as a whole, not just repo companies. We have very high hopes it’s going to be received well and that it’s going to be used often.”

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