The website launched by AuctionACCESS parent company AutoTec to weed out curbstoning now has a new tool that can help people alert authorities when this illegal practice happens.

Added to are interactive maps of the U.S. and Canada designed for users to easily report curbstoning instances. Of course, in Canada, the practice is know as "curbsiding."

“The purpose of is to make people aware of this fraudulent activity and motivate them to take action,” stated Chuck Redden, president of AutoTec. “Creating a dynamic, easy-to-use map interface that lets them report curbstoning to the proper authorities was a natural next step.”

Different U.S. states and Canadian provinces and territories have different processes for reporting this illegal practice that can range from completing an official form to directly connecting with an investigator.

With this in mind, Stop Curbstoning has broken down the appropriate processes and channels for each state/province/territory in the U.S. and Canada.

Consumers are shown the specific agency they need to connect with for their respective area.

Given the potential for change in these procedures, the site is designed to allow for easy feedback if its data is not up to date, officials noted.

“We would really like to hear from state agencies who have updated their reporting procedures from a general complaint line as a result of our efforts,” Redden said. “We’d like to see this issue given the attention it deserves, because people are needlessly getting ripped off every day — and unsafe cars are making their way back onto the road.”