The Power of Heat Mapping

Heat mapping is an analytic tool that allows you to see where visitors are clicking on your website. Using this tool enables you to visualize different types of data, including which images, buttons and links people are clicking on. If one of your goals is to consistently improve the consumers’ website experience by analyzing their behavior on your site, heat mapping is a must. Knowing where they’re going, what they’re clicking on, what is NOT getting any clicks and making changes based on this information will lead to more conversions.

There are a few different types of heat maps such as click heat maps, scroll heat maps and mouse movement heat maps. Click heat maps shows the exact locations where visitors’ cursors clicked on a webpage, such as which images and links are most clicked on. Scroll heat maps show you what percentage of visitors are reaching the different portions of your web page, which helps you decide where and what to move to increase more profitable traffic. Mouse movement heat maps shows where visitors are looking on your site by tracking where the visitors’ cursors hover.

With being able to visually see what is working and not working on your site enables you to make changes that will lead to more conversions and profit for your business. If you’re on the advertising and marketing side and evaluating clients’ websites, these tools are extremely handy and beneficial. One example is that you can take screen shots and show your client exactly where visitors are going and what they’re doing on the site. With this colorful visual data, yourself or a client, can make informed decisions on what changes to make and why to make them.

There are a number of different heat mapping programs out there. Before choosing which program to use, make goals of what you wish to accomplish and choose the program that has the features that suit your needs. Here is a list of just a few of the heat mapping programs available: Attention Wizard, ClickDensity, ClickTale, Crazy Egg and Seevolution. Once you have chosen which heat mapping tool works best with your desired goals, implement and use with the rest of your analytic tools and use this information to make the best possible decisions for greater improvement of your website for your consumer and in the end your business.