F&I company JM&A Group has designed a virtual inspection process in which its analysts can use video technology when working with repair shops to conduct visual inspections.

With that process, called Inspect Now, its analysts can verify claims that would otherwise require in-person inspections. The analysts can approve the start of the repair more quickly.

JM&A said the technology will not replace traditional in-person inspections in all cases.

But the virtual review process can be used to evaluate claims involving active leaks, electrical malfunctions and road hazards. JM&A said that as the program matures, it will explore additional inspection opportunities.

Generally, when claims are initiated, JM&A Group contacts a third-party vendor to inspect the vehicle and validate the mechanical failure, said JM&A Group director of customer services Dianne Galavan.

“The additional time required to complete the inspection inhibits the shop from completing new jobs if a bay is occupied, costing them money and further delaying the return of the vehicle to the consumer,” Galvan said in a news release.

Galvan also said, “Now, with just a few clicks on the phone, our analysts can get a full understanding of the mechanical failure in real time and make a claims decision immediately.”

JM&A Group said it launched Inspect Now to help streamline the repair process and get the vehicle back into the consumer’s hands as quickly as possible. JM&A designed the new virtual inspection process to make the adjudication of claims more efficient and less time consuming.