Auto Remarketing is recognizing the 2022 Women in Remarketing honorees in the May issue of the magazine, and will be posting Q&As with each of these outstanding leaders on the website.

Next up is Jeni Hamlin, who is remarketing manager at Gateway Financial Solutions.

Auto Remarketing: What is the top trend you’re watching in remarketing/wholesale automotive this year?

Jeni Hamlin: There has been a steady change in the remarketing world since the pandemic. The trend that I have been watching is the increase with online activity. Buying and selling cars online have become more acceptable than in the past. The digital platforms that we have begun to use to sell our inventory have become more important. As much as I enjoy seeing buyers in the lane, it is also exciting to see how many buyers are online and actively bidding. We have begun posting more vehicles for sale through OVE to utilize the online space. I have observed usedcar prices, and the economy to assist in predicting buyer tendencies.

AR: How has technology/innovation impacted your specific area of remarketing/wholesale the most?

Hamlin: With all of the changes in the world we had to rely on technology more than in the past. I was forced to fi nd new, better, more effective ways to remarket our vehicles. The impact has been is all positive. It has expanded our buyer base. Looking back, it really helped us get away from some of the older techniques we had been using.

Without all the technology we would not have been able to continue through the pandemic the way that we did. With not being able to attend some sales due to the pandemic it has increased our visibility in the auction space. This allowed dealers from all over the country to bid on our vehicles that previously had not viewed our inventory.

AR: What piece of career advice would you have for someone new to the industry?

Hamlin: My advice would be to always listen. I have learned so much from our auction partners and peers. There is always something new to learn, so go into each day with an open mind and a willingness to learn something new. This industry is always exciting and usually is fast-paced.

There is so many talented individuals within in this industry that you will most likely know someone who you can seek advice from. Sometimes you need to try new things, and create new connections. From a commercial consigner standpoint, I also like to listen to the dealers who can inform me of current market trends and market conditions. This helps with vehicle valuations and decisions on the block. Additionally, since we are affi liated with a dealer group, this gives me the opportunity to provide them with market insights, as well.

AR: What is your proudest moment/accomplishment, career-wise?

Hamlin: I began my remarketing career at Gateway Financial 13 years ago. At that point, we were only financing in two states, Michigan and Illinois. I was given the opportunity to begin a remarketing department for Gateway Financial. At that time, I had very little knowledge of the industry. I relied on good instinct and formed relationships with other remarketers and auctions. Th is allowed me to form the general concept and procedures of remarketing to grow it into what it is today. I had to develop reports and metrics to make this department successful and compliant. Fast forward, we are currently financing in 21 states.

I was able to advance the remarking department and expand it as the company continued to increase in size. Th roughout my time at Gateway Financial, I have been able to form and maintain external relationships throughout the remarketing community. Not only am I proud of the accomplishments this department has made throughout the years, I am extremely proud to be part of the Gateway Financial family. Looking forward to new challenges and what the industry will look like in the future.