ACA International Confirms New President

ACA International, the association of credit and collection professionals, recently confirmed its new president during its 72nd annual convention and exposition in Dallas.
Now overseeing ACA’s volunteer executive committee and board of directors as president is Mark Neeb, of Rochester, Minn. Neeb’s term runs through next year.
Neeb, a certified public accountant, entered the third-party debt collection industry in 1990 and acquired ownership of The Affiliated Group based in Rochester, Minn., in 1996.
An active industry leader and volunteer, Neeb has served ACA International on its executive committee, board of directors and many association committees.
Additionally, Neeb is a member and past president of the Minnesota Collectors Association.
“I am honored and humbled to lead our members forward at this critically important time in our industry’s history,” Neeb stated.
“We will be actively collaborating with Congress, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, state attorneys’ general, regulators, lawmakers and others to create a balanced system for debt collection that allows this vital industry to function and protect consumers,” Neeb continued.
ACA emphasized that it has outlined its priorities for modernizing debt collection.
“With Mark’s exceptional leadership, we believe our blueprint will help consumers nationwide as the industry looks ahead to removing unnecessary barriers to effective communication in the debt collection process and reducing complaints,” commented ACA International chief executive officer Patrick Morris.
Request for Comment on Proposed Governance Structure
In other organization news, the ACA International governance task force has been charged with evaluating ACA’s current governance structure and proposing changes to more effectively govern the organization.
During a recent meeting of ACA’s board of directors, the governance task force presented a proposal with changes to ACA’s governance structure. Officials said the board was encouraged by the proposal and asked the governance task force to provide a finalized proposal to the board by the end of November.
At this time, the governance task force is seeking comments regarding the proposed structure. A chart prepared by the governance task force comparing ACA’s existing governance structure with the proposed governance structure is available here.
The task force also prepared a PowerPoint presentation that discusses the proposed changes and the reasons for the changes to the governance structure.
Comments can be sent to ACA’s corporate secretary Julie Brooks at by Aug. 11.
“The governance task force thanks you in advance for reviewing the proposed governance structure and providing your feedback,” officials concluded.