All Technology Recovery Partners with Regional Acceptance

All Technology Recovery, a full-service repossession facilitation and management company, recently reached a partnership with Regional Acceptance.
Regional Acceptance is utilizing the national network of collateral recovery professionals to provide repossession facilitation. All Technology Recovery intends to provide 24/7 support on LPR2.0 scans for Regional Acceptance.
Through All Technology Recovery’s network, officials emphasized that lenders can work with qualified and experienced agents with superior insurance, bond coverage and the latest technology.
By facilitating and managing work from the lending community, All Technology Recovery believes it can increase recovery rates, decrease recovery time and provide all-inclusive options from recovery to liquidation.
“All Technology Recovery is honored to be working with Regional Acceptance,” stated Jim Hall, president of All Technology Recovery.
“By efficiently using new and emerging technologies and attracting the best certified collateral recovery agents, we are able to provide Regional Acceptance with superior service,” Hall added.