40 Under 40: Joanna Anderson

Joanna Anderson, 31, is the general manager of Abingdon Auto Auction in Bristol, Va.
Joanna Anderson insisted the “auto industry runs through my blood.” The statement isn’t surprising considering that Anderson held a position at a rental car company by the time she was 15, detailing vehicles, verifying insurance and taking payments. Upon leaving home for her college education, she reached out to Manheim and secured a part-time position, handling duties such as sale-day block clerk, title clerk, front counter and receptionist.
And with her 31st birthday coming on Sept. 17 — a day after one of Abingdon Auto Auction’s weekly sales — Anderson is continuing to juggle a wide array of responsibilities for the family owned, independent operation that was honored by BB&T in 2015.
“As the old saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Born and raised with a father and brother as auctioneers, the auto industry runs through my blood and many aspects come as second nature to me,” Anderson said.
“I’ve been fortunate to be a cog in the wheel since we opened the doors almost seven years ago at Abingdon Auto Auction,” she continued. “You can find me doing anything from acting fleet manager, handling sale day arbitrations, marketing, transportation, customer service, human resources and anything in between.
“Some days I feel as if I’m an octopus with eight arms and 100 tasks on each, but that always keeps things interesting,” Anderson went on to say. “There is never a dull moment in this business. Year after year we continue to grow and continue to be blessed with success.”
Anderson not only credited her time with Manheim for impacting her career — “They literally treated me like family and I will always be so thankful for such a rewarding experience in my short time there” — she hailed the team that’s now a part of Abingdon Auto Auction, including her father and brother who still are involved with the Bristol, Va., operation.
“I have learned so much in the past seven years and continue to learn more and more every day,” Anderson said. “With such a fierce, evolving industry, it is important to stay ahead of your competition. With my father’s vision of owning an independent auto auction, I am blessed to be the vehicle that carries out a lifelong dream.”
Joanna Anderson, 31, is the general manager of Abingdon Auto Auction in Bristol, Va.