AutoPlus Unveils iPhone App

AutoPlus announced this week that it has rolled out an iPhone App that serves as an inventory and window sticker labeling product for the auto industry.
The AutoPlus iPhone App allows users to collect vehicle details through its VIN bar code scanner and transfer this vehicle data to the computer of their choice.
Here is how it is designed to work.
There is a VIN bar scanner with instant validation featured on the app for iPhone 3GS (or newer) products. On products where there is no camera or if the VIN barcode simply can’t be accessed, users can punch in the VIN via keypad.
The app then authenticates the number and decodes it. It then shows comprehensive vehicle details like year, make, model, engine, equipment/optional accessory items and gas mileages.
Users can gather info for any amount of units and then send this information to a computer via Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Then once the data is sent to the PC, users can take the AutoPlus Software V8.1 and complete tasks like linking photographs, edit data, print window sticker labels with QR codes, and print FTC Buyers Guide labels.
Furthermore, they can use the software to send the data and photo to online services and distribute it to other applications, officials noted.
Photos can be generated from the iPhone or digital camera, as well as other digital sources.
Vehicles must be built after 1981 (having 17-digit VIN codes) and it only includes units in North America. Furthermore, it does not include exotic vehicles or older models that a dealership wouldn’t typically carry.
“AutoPlus app is a significant automation advance and represents the latest evolution in the 21-year history of the AutoPlus Window Sticker business,” officials noted.