Black Book promotes 3 executives; Goyal returns to Corserv

Black Book made three executive promotions on Monday, broadening the leadership roles of Alex Yurchenko, Laura Wehunt and Kyle Luck.
Meanwhile, Anil Goyal, who had been Black Book’s executive vice president of operations, announced via LinkedIn on Sunday that he was returning to Corserv Solutions as its president.
Goyal was a co-founder of Corserv and had served as its chief operating officer and chief financial officer during his five previous years there.
As for the Black Book executive moves, Yurchenko was named senior vice president of data science, with responsibilities in both the U.S. and Canada. His latest post was as VP of data science, leading data science and analytics in the U.S.
Black Book named Wehunt to the role of vice president, automotive valuations. Wehunt, who was previously Black Book’s principal automotive analyst, will head up the setting of wholesale and residual values in the U.S.
Meanwhile, Luck was named vice president of product management, with U.S. and Canadian responsibilities. His most recent post was as director of product management for the U.S.
Black Book president Tom Cross commented on each of the promotions in a news release.
- “I am delighted to announce Alex’s promotion and expanded role. Under his leadership, Black Book has developed significant new capabilities in machine learning, data modeling and predictive forecasting. Alex and his team made possible the development of several recent product successes including Black Book’s History Adjusted Values which have received wide industry acclaim and Enhanced Vehicle Matching, a precise VIN-level identification process powered by machine learning.”
- “Laura grew up in an automotive family and has a deep understanding of wholesale markets,” Cross said. “Her industry knowledge, analytical background and belief in the power of enhanced decisioning through machine learning makes her the perfect person to lead our valuation team. I am very pleased to announce her well-deserved promotion.”
- “Kyle has demonstrated the ability to successfully develop and execute against product plans over his time with Black Book and it gives me great pleasure to announce his promotion and expanded role,” Cross said. “His visceral understanding of customer needs has led to the creation of several successful products including History Adjusted Values and Enhanced Vehicle Matching.”
Cross added: “We are fortunate to have a deep talent bench at Black Book and I look forward to working closely with Alex, Laura and Kyle to best serve our customers and accelerate our growth.”