BMW Dealer Launches Competition to Find Ultimate Blogger

A Canadian BMW dealer is offering someone well-versed in all things that stem from social media the chance to do more than just tweet or post a message on Facebook about the brand.
Endras BMW is taking applications for a social media savvy professional and BMW enthusiast to take on a yearlong contract and “land the job of a lifetime.”
The dealership that’s located near Toronto is offering an annual salary of $65,000, a new BMW model to drive and the chance to attend brand events around the world while sending out content via Twitter, Facebook and blogs about the latest brand news.
“If these responsibilities aren’t enough to pique interest, the job also comes with a downtown Toronto condo for the ultimate blogger to call home for the duration of his or her contract,” dealership officials said.
Endras BMW listed several desired qualifications:
—Obsessed with performance.
—Possesses an in-depth knowledge of BMW product and is willing to spend all day and night writing about it.
—Can easily summarize information in 140 characters or less.
—Prefers to “like” something on Facebook rather than in person.
—Willing to live rent or mortgage free for a year.
—Has a valid driver’s license.
—Open to international travel.
To prove a high-performance professional background, Endras BMW is asking all applicants to go through a three-step process:
—The Blog: The dealers say all that stands between the qualified applicant and the next stage is 200 words and proof that the applicant is socially connected enough to make his or her sample blog post the most popular.
—The Video: To prove their worth, the dealership explained the top 20 candidates have exactly 48 hours to create and submit a video that demonstrates their obsession with performance.
—The Interview. Endras BMW then plans to pick the best 10 applicants with the most appealing video to meet with management that will make the hire.
The dealership is requesting applicants complete the first stage by April 1. Anyone interested in pursuing this position can visit for complete details.