Dealers United recently announced it represents more rooftops than all of the publicly-traded MegaDealer groups combined.

The member-based service, which was launched in October of last year and is free for dealers to join, is designed to act as the business development arm for private dealerships and private dealer groups by researching vendors and negotiating their services at a substantial discount. Members are currently casting their votes for the categories to be presented and discounted during the next several months.

“Even we are surprised by how quickly the member numbers have grown,” said Jesse Biter, co-founder of Dealers United. “I think it speaks to the crushing need private dealers and groups have for an advocate in their corner while battling public groups.”

Dealers United will interview vendors about what makes them unique from their competitors and introduce the hand-selected vendor to members.
“If you’re a dealer and haven’t had a chance to join Dealers United yet, now is the time. Membership is free and our dealer members are currently deciding upon which areas we’ll offer research and discounts in the coming months,” said Matt Buchanan, co-founder of Dealers United and dealer principal of Sarasota Ford.

To become a member of Dealers United or find out more, visit NADA Booth No. 3594 in Las Vegas and receive a free massage, or visit