Dealer Services Corp. of Indiana Debuts Spanish Website

As the Hispanic population in the U.S. continues to grow rapidly and becomes even more influential in the auto market, Dealer Services Corp. of Indiana is hoping to reach out increasingly more to these used-car dealers by rolling out a new Spanish version of its corporate website.
As reported in Auto Remarketing last year, the U.S. Census Bureau believes the Hispanic population will comprise a fifth of the country’s population by 2020. This is also the fastest growing demographic.
“It’s important that DSC keep business smooth and simple for its dealers; giving the bilingual, Spanish-speaking dealers options brings us closer to this goal,” stated chief executive officer Brian Geitner.
Patty Turner, director of marketing and administrative services, added: “Providing this service is part of our ongoing commitment to our entire dealer base and will allow us to meet the needs of a diverse marketplace. We hope that by making the website information available in a bilingual format, it will help our dealers increase productivity and build stronger relationships.”