Former AmeriCredit Exec to Give Keynote at Repossessors Summit

The American Recovery Association recently revealed a former AmeriCredit executive will present the keynote address during the third annual North American Repossessors Summit.
Tapped to speak to the gathering of auto lenders and recovery professionals is Mark Floyd, who now is the chief executive officer and vice chairman of Exeter Finance.
ARA explained Floyd intends to provide insight about loss mitigation and what it means to recovery agents and the industry. Floyd also plans to discuss how recovery agents can help the industry succeed.
“This will be a keynote you won’t want to miss,” ARA leaders declared.
Not only does the event include Floyd’s presentation, but the summit has scheduled a full program of topics led by key industry leaders and also incorporates another education session for the Collateral Recovery and Remarketing Accreditation Program.
This year’s summit is set for March 4 and 5 in Irving, Texas. Among the agenda sessions are:
—Remarketing Today for Tomorrow.
—Visualizing a United Industry.
—Technology-Driven Solutions for Your Business.
—Forward(ing) Thinking: Opportunity or Threat?
—A Client’s View: How Their Day-To-Day Operations Could Impact Your Future.
And new this year, ARA will present its Collateral Recovery and Remarketing Accreditation Program for lenders, association members and their employees. ARA explained that it has partnered with nationally recognized industry leaders to create an industry-recognized certification program that will feature the Certified Asset Recovery Specialist (CARS) program, the Collection Training Consultants program, classes covering industry topics such as business ethics, data security, skip tracing, online collateral remarketing and a best practices session.
While the accreditation program is just for members, ARA executive director Les McCook reiterated that the summit is open to any organization that’s involved in repossessions and is interested in making industry-wide improvements.
“Every year, ARA hosts the summit to provide an open, collaborative environment for all recovery professionals — regardless of location or association affiliation — to address the challenges and complexities facing the industry and lay the foundation for its future,” McCook stated.
“The summit gives collateral recovery specialists from across the country a chance to join forces to address the most important issues facing the collateral recovery industry,” he added.
Beyond the training and noteworthy discussions, ARA indicated summit attendees have a chance to win several raffle prizes, including a tow bed from Dynamic and a license plate recognition camera kit.
All attendees receive one raffle ticket upon registration, and additional tickets can be purchased during the event with proceeds aimed at benefiting the recovery agents benefit fund maintained by RSIG.
The entire event will be held at the Omni Mandalay Las Colinas at 221 East Las Colinas Blvd. in Irving.
To find out more details about summit costs and to register, visit